Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Power

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Power

Wind Power for Electricity Generation, Costs, Practicality


There are many renewable forms of energy accessible today and their usage is the best way to make them more efficient. However, they need more study, especially in terms of their expenditures and practicality. There are areas where wind is significantly strong, as in the case of wind power, it can potentially drive a turbine and essentially generate electricity. Over this, there should be no question, but the prices and practicality of wind power for electricity and other relevant problems need to be better clarified.

            The most usable energy on earth is wind. Everywhere we travel, the presence of the wind is there. The life everywhere can be mild and its impact is so heavy in other areas that one can dream of exploiting its maximum capacity. Windmills have been used for water injection, grain grinding and other activities for decades. What seems interesting about this windmill is that it is viewed as an instrument to produce mechanical power. Today, windmills are considered wind power due to its capacity to create electricity.

            Wind power producers such as Nordpool electricity market and the Danish wind power production are maximizing profit for wind power electricity, an implication that there is a good business for this alternative energy source (Holttinen 2052). There was an optimal market for wind power electricity. This means that the ability of wind power as an alternative energy source to provide electricity has become widely recognized and become important in the economy.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Power


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  • Holttinen, Hannele. “Optimal electricity market for wind power.” Energy Policy 33 (2005): 2052-2063.
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