Health and Safety in Automobile Workshops in New Zealand

Health and Safety in Automobile Workshops in New Zealand


In a meeting held by the World Health Organisation (WHO) collaborating Centres in Beijing, Peoples’ Republic of China on 14th October 1994, WHO’s Global Strategy for “Occupational Health for All” was discussed and adopted. Conscious of the immediate need for the production and application of workplace health and safety, the participants in the meeting adopted the strategy mainly due to the apparent rapid shifts in workplace cultures and behaviours that greatly impinged on workers’ health and life. In addition, these changes in workplace and work life had been observed to affect the local and global environment. In addition to adopting this WHO strategy on occupational health, the meeting also adopted a proposal for the course of action for the implementation of the same strategy (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2001). In attendance at the meeting were twenty-seven countries, represented by thirty one collaborating centres. One of the countries was Switzerland. The organisers of the meeting included but were not limited to the WHO, International Labour Organisation (ILO), The United Nations Development Programme, the Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Health, the WHO Workers’ Health Programme and the International Commission on Occupational Health.

A priority issue at the meeting was health at work. According to the available data by then, it was estimated that about 100 million workers are injured annually at the workplace while about 200,000 die annually in occupational accidents (International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour IPEC), (2011). In addition, the WHO reported that between 68 million and 157 million cases of occupational diseases are caused by hazardous exposures at the workplaces or workloads. These statistics obviously negatively affect the health of world population. In fact, the roles and effects of occupational injuries and diseases are found to be more profound in developing countries in which 70% of the world’s working population lives. Due to their impacts the health and well being of workers, occupational injuries and diseases negatively impact the productivity and socio-economic well being of workers across all industries. These detrimental effects extend even to the friends, families and dependants of the directly affected workers. In many countries, estimates show that the socioeconomic costs of workplace and work-related injuries and diseases affecting worker health and productivity amount to several percentage of the total gross national products of the affected countries. These estimates not only cover the formal workshop, which on average covers between 50% and 60% of a country’s population but also the informal and work-at-home sectors (Abrams, 2001).

Health and Safety in Automobile Workshops in New Zealand