Bloods Gang History and Structure

Bloods Gang History and Structure


There are several reasons for forming a street gang. The key explanations generated by sociologists and psychologists are determined by identification as the main cause. Another big element that shows why a street gang gets to start up is getting respect. A key factor in deciding if anyone will join a certain gang is the acquisition of a sense of belonging. The bulk of people are carpenters. By forming a street gang, many people will find discipline. All are interested in feeling that they have love and admiration. The picture of a street gang still entails the love of money. This paper would concentrate on a street gang that uses the “bloods.” tag. Due to the increased prevalence of this organisation in places around the world, this gang has risen in anomie. The rationale behind the organization, which includes where it began and why it is still in existence, is the focus of the discussion. Varies theory’s will be entertained.  Several sociological approaches discussed that help answer several areas that may be concerning, social learning, rational choice, labeling, critical, and or Marxist perspectives.  Answering the questions of social disorganization and the social ecology theories associated with them.


Many sociological approaches that beg the answer to why some individuals are more prone than others to join a gang are.  History of gangs date back centuries and to pick just one helps the rest of society to view the social learning, and rational or irrational approaches to speak to the labeling, and to the social disorganization of several social ecology theory’s.

Bloods Gang History and Structure

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