Bushfire Risk Management in Maryborough, Victoria

Bushfire Risk Management in Maryborough, Victoria

Risk Evaluation


Australia has a tradition of forest fires, most of which arise during the cooler months between January and April and again between August and December. The nation has had a perennial bush fire tragedy. Australia has had a climate change that promotes the prevalence of thy, flames, hot and dry climate in the region, marked by broad grasslands that perpetuate the burning. Although fires pose a great danger to human life, for each of these catastrophes, the world reports differing amounts of human fatalities, other indigenous flora in the country have evolved and today rely on bushfires to sustain their lives by seed dispersal and promote germination (Matthews, 2011). Despite the beneficial effect of fires on the flora and fauna of the world, the scale of the loss of life and the devastation of infrastructure in the country is unjustified, requiring the country to spend millions of dollars in order to preserve the populace.

The state of Victoria is among the most adversely affected states in the world, which has had a long history of bushfire disasters. The most recent of such disasters in the state was the Black Saturday bushfires, which resulted in more than one hundred and seventy deaths (O’Brien, 2002). To prevent such unwarranted loss of human lives and property, the Victorian state government has instituted several agencies such as the Department of environment and primary industries and the county fire authority both of which work in collaboration to mitigate on such disasters in the future. To do this, the organizations carry out effective risk assessment thus inform their population appropriately with the view of preventing the loss of lives and property in case of such fires. Additionally, the authorities strive to curb the fires in case they break out before the result in extensive loss of the country’s flora.

Bushfire Risk Management in Maryborough, Victoria