Middle and Ending Part of the Fairy Tale
As Cinderella’s story tells that she had a dream of attending the grand ball event, her wish was not granted by her stepsisters and now she was standing outside the castle with hopeless eyes. In this moment of despair, little magical women appeared at the scene and told Cinderella that she is Cinderella’s fairy godmother, and she will fulfill his wish and dream of attending the grand ball. In this moment of grief, Cinderella could not believe that someone can fulfill her dream, but fairy god mother told her that her wish will come true. Then fairy godmother started her magic, which changed the situation, and now Cinderella was in a beautiful dress and ready to enter into the castle. But her fairy godmother told her that her magic will only remain until midnight before noon. So, Cinderella has to get back before noon.

Then Cinderella went into the castle with the help of this magic. She was looking so beautiful that even her stepsisters could not recognize that she was Cinderella. Everyone noticed the presence of Cinderella including the prince. The Prince requested Cinderella to dance with him, and both danced together until midnight. Cinderella forgot her fairy godmother’s warning, and when clock rang the bell for noon, she realized the time is over and ran out of the castle. Prince went after Cinderella, but only found her one slipper on the way, and started searching for Cinderella. The Prince asked every girl of the kingdom to wear the slipper to find the girl, who danced with him on the night of grand ball. The slipper fit into the foot of Cinderella, and Prince found out that it was Cinderella, who danced with him at that night. Cinderella became princesses after they got married, and everyone was invited to the event including Cinderella’s stepsisters as Cinderella forgave her stepsisters for their cruel past.
The Elements of a Traditional Fairy Tale
It is a fact that there are certain traditional elements, which can be found in every fairy tale. These elements are necessary to form a fairy tale; otherwise, the story could be attributed to something else. One of the significant aspects of a fairy tale is its opening and ending very universal lines. The other important aspect of a fairy tale is presence of a hero & heroine and the villain. In this Cinderella’s fairy tale, Cinderella herself is the heroine, the prince is the hero, and her stepmother & stepsisters can be attributed as villains. The fairy tales also has the presence of some good and evil characters. In this fairy tale, Cinderella, the Prince and fairy godmother, all were excellent characters, whereas her stepsisters and stepmother were evil. One of the most vital components of each fairy tale is magic. In Cinderella’s story, fairy godmother appeared in the information. She transformed Cinderella into princess with her magic, which allowed her to attend the castle’s grand ball event. One more element of fairy tale is that it talks about a problem, and then comes out with a solution like Cinderella was having the trouble that she could not attend the grand ball, and then answer was provided with the help of magic (Cisneros)
Creating Awareness on Social Issues
It is essential for a fairy tale to convey specific message so that social issues are discussed with a broad perspective and children & society can learn a lesson from it. Fairy tales can create awareness of various social issues like gender stereotypes, society’s unkind behavior towards a specific group of people, etc. This is what has been included in Cinderella’s fairytale. It talked about the less critical group of people in a society, who are suppressed by the company’s superior ones. Like Cinderella was living under the cruel behavior of her stepsisters and stepmother. She was not treated equally as their family member. It is a social issue that superior people of society remain unkind with the poor people, who are less in social status. These fairy tales give us a broader view of the world by presenting different social injustice prevailing in society.
Conclusion and Lesson Learned
After looking at all the aspects of this fairytale and keeping the whole story in mind, it can be said that Cinderella’s fairy tale comes with various elements. It can teach children that they need to remain hopeful and kind in any given situation. And though stuff doesn’t go their way, still children must stay optimistic in that moment of despair. The other great lesson from this fairy tale is that children can remain kind to others, even when they are unkind, as God will reward you for this kindness in so many different ways. The children can take another lesson that when people get from lower position to a superior one in their life, they must forgive others, and show kindness to others, and taking revenge from anyone is not a good option. Moreover, a lesson is learnt from Cinderella’s story that a person may not remain hopeless and ruins his/her life whatever the situation is. A ray of hope and endurance should always be kept alive in any given situation as thing will get better one day in the future (Green)