Referendum of Scottish Independence

Referendum of Scottish Independence

The Question of Scotland’s Independence

          Not so long time ago, that is, 18 September 2014, Scotland has held a referendum on the question of gaining its independence and secession of the United Kingdom. The issue has a background of Scots aimed for the maximum of power being concentrated in their hands for beneficial ruling of their country. There is, also, a lengthy trentenary tradition of democratic contributions produced by the British Parliament’s organised Scottish politicians. Yet Scots have many rights under control of the United Kingdom, they are determined to get and keep complete independence of the state. Let’s try to consider whether or not Scotland can be focused on studying the pros and cons of the problem to grasp the phenomena from any perspective.

        To continue with, it must be mentioned that the 2014 Scottish referendum has beautifully revealed the full image of the insecure opinions of Scots regarding their future. The proof of such a status is given by various surveys. Under the impact of this or that aspect, citizens appear to alter their beliefs. They are either for democracy or undetermined by option, and they can dramatically alter that tomorrow or embrace either of the sides. “It’s a race against time for the independence camp in many ways: the momentum has shifted towards independence over the last six months, but at least one-sixth of Scottish voters in recent polls said they were undecided or refused to respond” (Erlanger, 2014).

Referendum of Scottish Independence

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  • Tribute Vire Report, 2014. British PM Set to Warn Scotland of Dangers of  Independence Vote.  [Online] (updated 15 Sep. 2014) Available at: <> [Accessed 6 Mar. 2015].
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