Soy Foods Whipped Topping Business Plan

Soy Foods Whipped Topping Business Plan

The Industry

Soy foods and products industry has adequately become popular in the different parts of the world today. The industry began in some parts of the world but has now targeted the major economies of the world. The continued growth of market of these products has made this industry a worthwhile venture. The soy products are very much available in Europe and even America.  In fact, both the non-fermented as well as the fermented soy products have become an important part of the meals of most individuals in the United States and across the entire Europe (Jooyandeh 77). Soy foods and products include several whipped toppings that are basically made from rice, soy and even coconut. Both rice and soy whips in the market are either in spray cans or boxes. These products normally have a lifespan of a year and are supposed to be refrigerated. The soy whipped topping are good when used with cakes, fruits, desserts, pies, cappuccinos and even beverages such as chocolate tea. The most popular soy whipped toppings currently in the market belong to two brands; Soyatoo and Viana. Soyatoo soy whip brands include: blue-rice whip, brown-cocoa whip and the red-soy whip which are normally in boxes or spray cans of three hundred milliliters (ML). Despite the different colors the three products are made from similar inputs.

Over the recent past, different individuals in United States and Europe have continued to develop interest in soy foods and products. This has further increased the demand of these products in the American market. This industry is basically made of various key players. Some of these players in this industry are developing while others have quite established their brands in different markets of the world. This is the reason why some consumers in America have in the past raised concerns regarding some existing soy whip products in the market and more specifically on issues of lactose presence as well as the functioning of the whip spray cans. As true entrepreneurs, we considered this as a good opportunity that required intervention and we decided to start a business of making soy whipped toppings and target lactose intolerant people in the market amongst other. Our soy whipped topping products will be in line with the respective customer’s needs and also of substantially high quality.

Soy Foods Whipped Topping Business Plan