Tourism Issues and Problems in third World Countries

Tourism Issues and Problems in third World Countries


Travel is also framed by contemporary expectations by interactions that involve airlines, drivers, hotels or resorts, and established activities that have been provided through the growth of tourism. However, travel has not always been a process of environmental conservation. Travel has originated from a historical viewpoint from the urge to switch from one environment to another, or the need to explore the essence of other areas of the planet. Travel, for much of its existence, has been described as threat and uncertain, with only recent history offering a higher degree of protection in terms of travel discovery. Traveling in risky areas has traditionally been an experience of exploration and excitement, and today’s visitors are engaging in journeys of risk, adventure, and discovery in new civilizations, which are not necessarily taken with care to reduce the risk in which they are submerged.

A travel strategy has developed that makes for the same pleasure with the risk that was once part of the core of Western civilization as they expanded their influence and territories to ‘exotic’ places. Exotic and dangerous places still exist across the planet, offering a sense of excitement and difficulty that will provide adventurers with a wealth of knowledge. In contrast, travel to such destinations is so dangerous that it is beyond the hope of a recreational experience and can only be seen for its relevant edification. There are several ways of dangerous travel that can be regarded, and a traveller can assess his or her desire for the knowledge and expertise needed to travel before trying to visit those locations in the world.

Tourism Issues and Problems in third World Countries

Any of these kinds of risky journeys may be seen from physically difficult places. Mountains, lakes, caves and the Arctic should also be considered for the possible dangers inherent with travel to these areas. Skill sets are necessary for a person to partake in the physically challenging nature of engaging the natural environment in these types of locations, thereby reducing the need for such locations for a significant number of citizens. However, this style of travel appeals to many risk-takers and is therefore a common mode of tourism. Eco-tourism is interested in the creation of this form of travel, involving visitors in activities intended to have a context in which nature is faced. Other venues, such as Mount Everest and cave diving, are carried out by self-designed initiatives involving research and self-confidence in the skills needed.

Another type of risky travel may be seen when visiting countries that are not welcoming or are undergoing civil strife. Some nations in Africa, parts of Asia, Latin America and the Middle East may have political conditions that do not lead individuals to a stable and secure climate. In comparison, certain countries have a loss of regulation over violence, producing a more violent area and placing at risk a visitor who is not equipped. Therefore, if you partake in travel that involves another world, it is prudent to recognise what dangers are involved and how best to avoid the possibility of bad experiences. A basic illustration is the myth of not consuming water in Mexico, since there is a bacterium that is unsustainable for the stomach unless one has evolved to drink it. This small risk will alter the essence of travel unless it is planned and aware of its possible consequences. 

Works Cited
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