US Hybrid Car Market Industry PESTLE Analysis

US Hybrid Car Market Industry PESTLE Analysis

Hybrid vehicles have been a common topic of conversation over the last few years. Hybrid vehicles have their own place in the market today. Environmental interest and rising traditional fuel costs also driven market analysts to quest for other forms of driving vehicles. Currently, several firms are making, selling and designing electric vehicles. In short, a PESTLE study of the US electric car industry is provided here.

The Political Factors:

To date, political trends in the US in the production, selling and procurement of electric vehicles are beneficial to the industry. Politicians have set emphasis on a better climate as early as 1990, and you have expressed concern for air emissions. In 1990, the Clean Air Act was amended and pollution regulations were stricter (Wilson and Dilulio, 2008 p.561).

Today, fuel is linked not only to environmental problems, but also to national security concerns. President Bush raised worry in 2007 over America’s dependent on international crude. President Obama, the new president, is also worried. He needs to reduce America’s “Foreign Oil Addiction.” Obama updated environment policy in 2009 and pushed automotive manufactures to produce more fuel-efficient and pollution-free vehicles (Tan et al, 2012, p.3). The government is already offering tax incentives to electric vehicle owners (Boone and Kurtz, 2013, p 75).

It is evident from the above evidence that political views and activities are quite beneficial to electric cars in the USA. A stricter automotive pollution strategy suggests improved options for automobiles such as diesel cars with zero or minimum emissions.

US Hybrid Car Market Industry PESTLE Analysis