What is Wind Energy and its Pros and Cons?

What is Wind Energy and its Pros and Cons?

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Wind Power
  • How Wind Power Works
  • Current Use of Wind Power
  • Advantages of Wind Power
  • Disadvantages of Wind Power
    • Expensive Installation
    • Problem for the Wildlife
    • Wind Speed
    • Noise Pollution
  • Future of Wind Power
  • Recommendation
  • Conclusion
  • Appendices
  • References

1 Introduction

A day’s energy consumption rate is increasing in the society because of the excessive use of electronics products. There are many methods available to our society to generate energy to meet energy for daily use. Wind power plants are one of these ways that produce energy and supply clean, renewable energy to society. Cost-effectiveness is the primary benefit of wind power plants. Wind power is a cost-effective way to generate renewable energy for the daily use of a human being. In our modern world, the population will be increased with the use of fossil fuels and oils to get energy. In such a situation, Wind power plants provide clean and renewable energy for their users.

2 Wind Power

More than 72 wind generators are working continuously to generate environment-friendly energy for their citizens only in the American state. The scientist of china is working on the development of wind turbines. China is establishing its plants in other countries that can provide and manufacture turbines at a cheaper rate than China. According to the journal article presented by (Lewis 2007), China and India are leading the world in the production and installment of Windpower plants to generate renewable and clean energy.

According to an analysis in the wind power generators’ research energy, it is filling the population’s need. Still, it cannot be considered as the significant or biggest source of energy generation. Wind power only covers 0.5 percent of the overall energy generated for global use. Electricity demand for consumption is increasing in the western world more rapidly than the eastern areas.

Because of this American Government, the German Government, Netherland Government, and Denmark’s government are supporting the establishment of wind power plants because they cannot produce energy at a cheap cost through other resources as the coil, fuels, gases, and solar energy. All these resources also harm the environment as excessive use of such sources increases the pollution in the environment (turbinegenerator.org, 2018).

Several companies from China and other developed countries establish their plants in other geographical locations where the production of the turbine and generators at a cheap cost is possible. In comparison, China and Americans are also trying to acquire and consolidate the advanced companies working on the wind power plant. Thus they quickly access technologically advanced services.

3 How Wind Power Works

Wind power plants have specific functions. Wind power plants use a turbine that spins the generator and generates electricity. In a windmill, there are three or two propeller-like blades that move around with airflow. Usually, wind power can be generated in areas where airflow rapidly and continuously. In the wind power plant, rotors and main shaft also support the rotors blades to move in the direction and with speed. An image attached to the appendices presents the wind power plant’s functions in the diagram form.

 Wind power is based on the physics principles like the transfer of the kinetic energy from one object to the other because of change or motion. Therefore new research has designed blades and turbines that are highly efficient as blades can move more quickly and generate power for the generators than the other wings/ blades of the windmill. Simultaneously, turbine design also has the nose that companies design by aerodynamic design at the time of manufacturing.

4 Current Use of Wind Power

According to a research finding presented in the journal article, Spain leads the world for the wind power plant. As their contribution to the wind power installation from 1997 to 2006 was Spain as more than other countries (Busby, 2012). The wind power plants’ total megawatts in the fixed duration of the period were compared in the research studies. Results show that only in Spain total megawatts reentered was more than 21,0000. At the same time, the maximum megawatts production was between the year 2002 and early 2006s.

In the global market of wind power Germany is leading the market with 30 in the overall wind power market. Then Denmark and Spain have the highest contribution of manufacturing in the global market shares. When it comes to installing the wind power plants, research findings elaborate that Denmark domestic companies have installed wind power plants more than any other country.

5 Advantages of Wind Power

The wind power energy generated method is considered the best method to produce energy as it has several benefits and advantages for society.

Here are Some of the Major Benefits:

  1. Wind energy is environment-friendly energy.
  2. Wind power generating resources as the power of air cannot end like other resources fuels and oils(turbinegenerator.org, 2018).
  3. Through wind power, governments of the countries can control the country’s natural resources as coil and fuel use can be limited.
  4. Wind power energy is clean and renewable.
  5. Wind power can stay sustained in the market.
  6. Wind power generation plants work free of cost; thus, it can be considered the cheapest energy generationsource (Lewis, 2007).
  7. Wind power plants are now capable of working in domestic locations; also, it was just limited to the wind farms as in the past.
  8. Wind power plants have a low cost for the maintenance and repairs as very rarely a wind turbine or any part of the wind turbine gets damages.
  9. It does not require expert technical support for daily operations as the function is straightforward. Anyone can deal with its control.
  10. Wind power plants generate energy with the secured natural resources as there are no chances of chemical reaction or radiation in the environment.

6 Disadvantages of Wind Power

Wind power plants are highly efficient plants for energy generation and electricity production at the mass level. But still, there are some disadvantages to wind power that are mentioned below:

6.1 Expensive Installation:

The wind power plants require installation costs also. According to the cost estimation installation cost for the wind power plant is more than the running and operational cost of the wind power plants.

6.2 The Problem for the Wildlife:

The wind power plants are usually installed far away from the societies in the open area. The sharp working blades of the wind turbine are dangerous for wild animals, particularly for birds. Wind power plants can toss them into pieces because of their sharp blades that are entirely unacceptable.

6.3 Wind Speed:

Wind power generation plants require air to blow with adequate speed and continuous flow. High-speed air like the storm also damages the wind power plants (turbinegenerator.org, 2018). Airspeed fluctuates that is not good for the power generation process. At the same time, suitable air condition is not available in all areas.

6.4 Noise Pollution:

Wind power plants are environment friendly because turbines do not cause add smoke or chemicals in the environment (turbinegenerator.org, 2018). But wind power plants add to noise pollution in the society (if placed nearby the residential area, it can be problematic); therefore, wind power plants should be placed outside the town.

7 Future of Wind Power

In light of the above discussion towards the advantages, disadvantages, and summaries of the article towards the future of wind power, we can conclude that wind power will have a better future in the coming years. Modern developed countries like China and Denmark are cautiously working on wind turbines designs and structures; therefore, there is hope for innovation in the wind power plants.

Some wind power plants’ features are old now that developed countries are changing like the shapes of the turbine and blades (turbinegenerator.org, 2018). even the non-turbine harvesting technology is also introduced in the society that ensures that soon wind power will be used as one of the most significant renewable energy generation methods.

8 Recommendation

Here are some recommendations for the better future of wind power. Through following the recommendation, wind power generation’s process can be improved, and the disadvantages can be reduced.  According to my recommendation, wind power plants should have these changes:

  1. The wind turbine blades’ design should be improved as glass-reinforced plastic is used for the blades.
  2. The blades of the wind power turbine should be designed in the aeroelastic design for effective performance.
  3. Plants should be installed near the seaside to avoid noise pollution.

9 Conclusion

Wind power plants are discussed in the paper according to the findings of the research. Wind power plants are generating energy for the people for their daily use of electricity. Wind power plants generate energy with airpower as when air flows at the required speed, the turbine’s blades start moving around the rotor. Thus the turbine forces the generator to generate electricity. According to the paper’s analysis, wind power is the cheapest power generation if we exclude the cost of installment as wind power plants installation is costly. Wind power plants generate noise. Therefore, plants should not be installed in the residential area.

10 Appendices

What is Wind Energy and its Pros and Cons?

What is Wind Energy and its Pros and Cons?

11 References:
  • Busby, R. L. (2012). Wind Power: The Industry Grows Up. PennWell Books. Retrieved 07 20, 2018
  • Lewis, J. I. (2007). Technology Acquisition and Innovation in the Developing World: Wind Turbine Development in China and India. Studies in comparative international development, 42(3), 208-232. Retrieved 07 20, 2018
  • Turbinegenerator.org. (, 2018). How a Wind Turbine Works. Retrieved 07 20, 2018, from www.turbinegenerator.org: https://www.turbinegenerator.org/wind/how-wind-turbine-works/