When Does Cross-Cultural Motivation Enhance Expatriate Effectiveness

When Does Cross-Cultural Motivation Enhance Expatriate Effectiveness

Evaluation and Contrasting

When Does Cross-Cultural Motivation Enhance Expatriate Effectiveness? A Multilevel Investigation of the Moderating Roles of Subsidiary Support and Cultural Distance

1.      Evaluation

  • 1.1  Research Scope

The research has extended the literature regarding cross-cultural motivation; cultural distance has been conceptualized by the authors as the foreign subsidiary-level construct to capture expatriates’ collective consensus.

  • 1.2  Literature

In the literature, the authors have discussed the previous theories and hypotheses regarding expatriate effectiveness, expatriate cross-cultural motivation, and effectiveness, the beneficial situations for cross-cultural motivation, moderating role of subsidiary support, subsidiary cultural distance’s moderating role, and integrative model.

  • 1.3  Methodology

The study sample consists of the 500 fortune United Based multinational companies that dispatch expatriates across the globe in the energy industry. 1,082 expatriates were contacted via e-mail to participate in the web-based survey. The survey of the research was conducted 9 months after completing the 2006 performance appraisals. English was used to administer the survey. The research measures were rated on a 1 to 5 scale ranging where 1 indicated ‘strongly disagree’ and 5 indicated ‘strongly agree.’ Reliabilities and correlations were checked for all variables by using a two-tailed statistical test. The research is based on the multilevel data, and the authors tested the hypothesis using HLM (Hierarchical Linear Modeling). The authors also tested Cross-level interactions by regressing the level 1 scope onto predictors of level 2. It was suggested by the model that a positive relationship exists between work adjustment and expatriate cross-cultural motivation. Additional tests were also conducted by the authors to strengthen their findings’ validity further.

  • Chen, G., Kirkman, B., Kim, K. & Farah, C., 2010. When does cross-cultural motivation enhance expatriate effectiveness? A multilevel investigation of the moderating roles of subsidiary support and cultural distance. Academy of Management Journal, pp. 1110-1130.
  • Froese, F. J., 2012. Motivation and adjustment of self-initiated expatriates: the case of expatriate academics in South Korea. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(6), pp. 1095-1112.