Why Gangs are Formed in The United States

Why Gangs are Created in The United States


In terms of gang culture, the United States is one of the most deeply troubled countries. In order to add insult to injury figures, it reveals that gang appearances have risen further in the late 2000s during the previous decade. This elevated incidence of gang violence is higher in metropolitan regions than in rural counties, where some reduction during the same time has been noted. By entering people’s houses, robbing and stealing from companies and manipulating narcotics sales, gangs terrorise communities, among other negative practises. They are, thus, in a community a centre of abuse and weak morality. After being attacked with handguns and blunt guns, several human lives died in their possession. To take control over the territories they rule and to instil terror or harass officials and the general population, they perform these massacres. Gangs are everywhere now; highways, in almost every community, workplace, internet, and daily life spheres. It has been revealed in the United States where cartels are responsible for 80 percent of all crimes committed. The purpose of this paper is to address gangs, why they are created and who is drawn to them and why.

Gang Statistics

Along with a variety of its neighbours, including Mexico and Brazil, the United States has a strong incidence of gang activity. At the end of 2010, gang affiliates were just over one million, associated to more than 25,000 parties (Larence, 2010). Unfortunately, given the tides of violence that they conduct year after year in the US, just 15 percent of the gang community is behind bars. Another truth is that teenagers make up 40 percent, and the remainder are adults, though males and females taking a total of 8 percent are more than 90 percent of all participants. It is necessary to remember that nearly 60% of gangs disallow the participation of women. Gang incidents tend to be more common in communities with at least 250,000 people, while gang-related violence in certain cities with an average of 100,000 inhabitants are still strong at 86 percent (Larence, 2010).

Why Gangs are Formed in The United States

  • Bursik Jr, R. J. and Grasmick, H. G. (1993). Neighborhoods and crime: The dimensions of  effective community control. Lexington Books.
  • Egley, A., Mason, C. & Miller, J. (2006). The modern gang reader, 3rd ed., Roxbury, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Institute for Intergovernmental Research. (2011). Gang centers merge. Retrieved February 17,  2010, from Iir: http://www.iir.com/Gangs/nygc/default.aspx
  • Juvenile Justice Commission (2010). Gang Awareness Guide: Recognize the Signs. New Jersey  Attorney General. Retrieved February 17, 2010, from http://www.state.nj.us/oag/gang signs-bro.pdf
  • Klein, M. (2006). Street gangs. In A. Egley, The Modern Gang Reader (pp. 105-114). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Larence, E. R. (2010). Combating gangs: Better coordination and performance measurement  would help clarify roles of Federal Agencies and strengthen assessment of efforts. DIANE Publishing.