Atlantic Quench Cranberries Inc. Marketing Strategy Analysis

Atlantic Quench Cranberries Inc. Marketing Strategy Analysis

Executive Summary

Atlantic Quench Cranberries is a cooperative that manufactures juice located in the United States. The cooperative was founded by two grape farmers around 80 years ago, and later the cooperative was joined by Florida grapefruit growers. It has a composition of about 630 cranberry and 46 grapefruit farmers in the current period. Since 1981, the cooperative has grown into North America’s best-selling brand of canned and bottled juices.

The below is an overview of the marketing strategy for Atlantic Quench Cranberries Inc. The goal of this plan is to keep the best-selling juice drink in North America and Europe for cranberry items. This strategy would use Political, Fiscal, Sociological, Technical, Environmental and Legal (PESTEL) research to carry out macro environmental analysis for Atlantic Quench Cranberries (AQC), focusing on the forces that are most important to the AQC business in order to determine any future strengths, prospects and risks of vulnerabilities. The primary target of the marketing campaign is the population that is already extremely competitive for natural and balanced beverages. The expense of conducting consumer analysis, differentiating goods, and selling the enhanced products would be compensated by the marketing campaign expenditure. The emphasis of this communication campaign is to make sure that this company’s healthier goods meet the target market.


Juice beverages with cranberry varieties are part of the Cranberry goods. In 2002, in order to attract desired buyers in the convenient business, the cooperative launched the Cranberry Classic 250 ml into the industry. AQC expanded its goods from ‘light’ low calorie fruit beverages in 2003. This included cranberry and blackcurrant, raspberry and cranberry, and mango and cranberry. Later in 2004, as a sweeter and cleaner option to red cranberry juice drinks, a white cranberry juice drink was introduced and marketed. These initiatives were launched in order to directly address the fast-growing market of chilled beverages. In 2005, a cranberry and mandarin juice drink was unveiled on the market.

Atlantic Quench Cranberries Inc. Marketing Strategy Analysis


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