Inventory Management Assignment Example

Inventory Management Assignment Example

Question No 1: Develop an Inventory Plan to Help ZBC?

Inventory plan of ZBC is processed around the Demand, Shortage and excess and constraints. These are the following factors that are helpful while planning for the inventory stoke. A further asset is to generate demand on the 21-century pie chart. Zhou bicycle company for stoke is depended upon the number of quantities that will for further proceed to the clients. The stoke is mainly the number of bicycles in the inventory category, such as class A or Class B. As study the case study of ZBC inventory operation management philosophy, these are divided into three forms these are the current operation and managing process and value chains process. The value chain is the supply chain process that is the forward step of the managing the inventory data because the inventory data are stored in the second step in the third it will be hand over to the supply chain department where it delivered to the clients.

Inventory Management Assignment Example

As the per taking about the inventory planning, these are the includes the planning and operation of the inventory files and inventory data to the meet of the current requirement. If we look closely towards the inventory data, it follows the circle pattern as it starts from the reduce stock or less stock towards the forecast of the stock and then plan and purchase and transfer. It also includes the improve stoke availability.

Useful inventory relay on the proper planning and advance controlling, and it required the full potential of the supply chain to continue the process for the most important thing to the inventory to determine the size and quantity of the next order.