Analysis of UK Drug Policy

Analysis of UK Drug Policy

It is acknowledged that the United Kingdom has one of the highest levels of drug use in the world. According to a report carried out by the Center for Drug Policy titled “An analysis of UK Drug policy”, the UK is reported as having the highest level of dependent drug use in Europe. In Britain, it is estimated that there were 1,644 drug-related deaths in 2005. Currently it is estimated that there are 327,000 problematic drug users in England. It is estimated that more than four million individuals use drugs per year in England and Wales. Due to the nature of drug problem in the country, the British government has shown a commitment in controlling the effects of drugs which has far reaching effects the country. Illegal drugs in Britain are covered under the Drug Misuse Act of 1971 which was passed by the British government to help in the control of drug use. In addition to this act, this year a Ten year drug strategy (2008-2018), was adopted. Its principal objective is to reduce the amount of illegal drugs that is supplied in Britain and to help civilians who are dependent on them. The strategy’s other key areas of focus are: decreasing the incidence of drug-related violence, providing public awareness, and coordinating programmes in order to enlighten it also caters to children who are desperate as a result of drug concerns in the community regarding the consequences of drugs.

There are a lot of illegal acts that exist as a consequence of cannabis. This involve drug addicts’ involvement in organised crime so that they can get funds to purchase cocaine and raise the amount of violence related to drug usage.

There is also a broad variety of physical, mental and psychological drug-related disorders that have been noted to be specifically related to narcotics in almost half of the documented illegal activities. It also stated that opioid-related violations in their fiscal budget cost the criminal justice system an immense sum of money, with more than 60% of all arrestees possessing a history of drug usage.

Analysis of UK Drug Policy

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